CrossFit Level 2
BirdBox Coaching Development
USA Weightlifting L1
CrossFit Nutrition L1
Coach/Barbell Coach
I was introduced to CrossFit in 2018 while deployed in Afghanistan and fell in love. I had been struggling before that to find something in the gym that I didn't get bored with. CrossFit being constantly varied filled that need perfectly. I continue to love CrossFit because regardless of how proficient I become at movements, the intensity of which I can perform the movements always offers a challenge. The challenge and the struggle are what keeps me motivated.
I love coaching because I want to help athletes become the best versions of themselves. Not only do I get to build them up physically, but I get to help build resilience in athletes and show them they CAN push just a little harder. One of my favorite parts of coaching is watching athletes excel and get "firsts" in the gym...there is not better feeling than watching athletes' faces when this happens.
When I am not at the gym, I want to be outdoors in any capacity possible. The mountains are my happy place.